
Philadelphia Flower Show 2018. More photos of displays

   The Flower Show is very crowded place. For a week every day there are some workshops, demonstrations and big market. A lot of people come to have a look and to purshase something though the tickets are not so cheap. Since the juri worked a couple of days before the opening of the show and exhibitions, I managed to take the pictures of these beautiful displays until it's crowded.
Aren't they so beautiful?

   After the opening of the show we came again to look at goods too. From jewelry to cars - the things there were selling by the vendors here. And of course plenty of various food and drinks.

Funny string-bags look like those I used to bring with me to the store in my childhood :)

   I didn't see the opening of the Flower Show because it opened on the same day when WWPFG conference started and I had to teach one of  my classes at the conference on this day. It will be another post about the conference because I have a lot of impressions to share.


Philadelphia Flower Show 2018. Competition entries

   Could I think 10 years ago when it was first time I sent two my artworks to the competition of pressed flower art at Philadlphia Flower Show, I would see this famous event and be a judge for the one of contest classes!
   I'm very grateful to our hostess Micki Wach from Philadelphia and all who worked hard to make WWPFG conference 2018 so special and remarkable, because the conference was joined up with the Flower Show this year.
   Philadelphia Flower Show is an annual event, the oldest and largest indoor event of its kind. It draws hundreds of thousands of people to the Pennsilvania Convention Center every year. And every year the show has a specific theme. This year it was "Wonder of Water". The Pennsilvania Horticultural Society (PHS) that runs the flower show, invites visitors to look at a variaty of flower and garden displays of all shapes and sizes and to purshase goods for a garden, seeds, all-new products in the run-up to the warm season. Also the show brings together florists, landscapers, designers and artists who enter to juried contests in landscape design, floral arrangements, botanical art, garden miniatures, the best Orchid, etc. Of course, the most important for me is the competition of pressed flower art from around the world.
  It was very impressive to see all competitive entries with my own eyes. On the first day we judged children's pictures (up to 18 y.o.) They had to depict how people and animals having fun with water. And on the second day we judged many adult entries of several contest classes. I and my juri team judged the Reflection class (with and without vacuum sealing). The artists had to make a scene reflected in a body of water. All artist's names were hidden to avoid any bias.


The artworks won in the Reflection class (no vacuum) are: 1st place - Elena Prokhorova (Russia), 2nd place - Mila Garro (USA), 3rd place  - Micki Wach (USA)

The artworks with vacuum sealing won in the Reflection class are: 1st place - Mei-Ling Hsu, 2nd place - Hsu Yen-O, 3rd place - Wu Rang (China), Honorable Mention - Ching Mei Hsu.

The best picture (outstanding blue award) by Lay-Yoong Lim (Magical Water class, vacuum sealing) and other wonderful artworks from different classes:


The class of 3D-artworks was called "Sprinkles". Those were decorated watering cans: