
Winter pictures class video tutorial (part 1) is available

I've completed part 1 for Winter picture class tutorial. It's one video file with English subtitles and pdf document with photos and short description.
This class tutorial is intended for beginners, for everybody who wants to learn basic skills of working with pressed plant material to create any images from it.
The class contains three parts and each part is more complicated than previous one. Each part includes one text tutorial for one winter landscape. Also you can watch the video tutorial for each part. In first part of the class you will learn:
- how to make the background for your artwork in simple way using watercolor (3 colors);
- how to prepare pressed banana skin;
- why I recommend to use brown leaves under snow for depicting trees and how to pick them up;

- how to cut and glue pressed plant material to make the branches of trees and bushes.

This tutorial is available for $10. You'll get the description and a link for downloading the video. Also you will have my explanations to any your questions.


My award from Korea International Pressed Flower Exhibition 2017, Gurye

Many of the WWPFG members enter to Korean contests every year and get high awards. As you know there are two annual Korean International Pressed Flower Art competitions that are open to all artist from around the world. – in Goyang and in Gurye but this year there is not any competition in Goyang.  So I entered to the 16th Korea International Pressed Flower Exhibition in Gurye. It was first time I participated in Korea contest.  And I’m glad to tell you about my award that I won. My artwork “Winter’s coming” has brought me the Second prize! A total of 60 artworks were be selected and awarded and only 12 ones got the Second prize. 

This work is made from pressed plant material entirely, with no any paints.
The Gurye County competition stresses on wild plants usage. Judging is based on creativity, pressed flower condition, material application, background, and wild flower usage percentage. All artworks that are winners in Gurye Exhibition will be displayed there for one year.
Also I’ve received the book with the pictures of all entries by both Korea Exhibition (only for Korean participants) and  Korea International one.

          and winner’s certificate.

     I’m proud to receive this award!